Intolerance of Modi baiters at its worst
R N Joe D’Cruz is a popular Tamil novelist. He writes for and fights for depressed sections of society particularly the fisherfolk. He is a recipient of Sahitya Academy award. Last week his support for BJP Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi was widely reported. He hailed Modi’s regime as “a visionary government”. For this, he received threats and hate mails as well as derogatory posts on the Face Book. But he was not to be cowed down. The novelist reiterated: “I am one among millions of Indians who would love to see a strong and visionary leadership. I do not think there is anyone else except Modi who fits the bill.”
Elders came to Sangh Karyalaya and blessed Seva Bharati

Unbelievable! A CM speaks and violence erupts!!
Sri Karupu alias Muraganandam, is the BJP candidate contesting from Tanjavur Lok Sabha constituency. On April 14, he was brutally attacked by heavily armed Jihadi group belonging to SDPI (Social Democratic Party of India) while he was campaigning at Mallipatinam. His van was smashed; his supporters were beaten up. He himself received cut injuries. He had to flee the spot to save his life. All this happened in the presence of Police which had given permission for the candidate to campaign. On the face of it, the protest was against Muruganandam’s support for Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi. This violent attack occurred hours after Chief Minister of Tamilnadu and AIADMK General Secretary Jayalalitha began her attack on BJP. She had spoken to the effect that BJP candidates will be made to forfeit their deposits. Therefore, such violent attacks on BJP/NDA Candidates all over the state may follow, according to observers. It has actually begun. In Salem and Aminjikarai (Chennai), NDA candidates were prevented from canvassing for votes in Muslim pockets by unlawful crowds on April 14 and after. Pon Radhakrishnan, State BJP President, condemned the attack on BJP candidate in Tanjavur and described it as an attempt to prevent BJP electioneering.