Dr. MohanRaoJi Bhagwat, Sarsanghchalak of Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh, said that our eternal culture is time immortal. We gave knowledge, science, Ayurveda, civilization, culture and value to humanity. That is the reason why Bharat is revered worldwide. He uttered these sentiments to Swayamsewaks belonging to Kashi Mahanagar gathered for a Sangh conclave on the grounds of Sampurnanand Sanskrit VishwaVidyalaya.

He told Swayamsewaks that Sangh conclave is not a mob gathering exercise, but an exercise to tune our mind for a common goal. This is no show of strength but an organization’s mandate to achieve its goals. Coming together for a noble goal is very common for Sangh. Sangh Conclaves in full attire happens after long intervals. But small gatherings do happen regularly.
Our goal is to organize society. We don’t want to gather mobs. Sangh did not grow because of compulsions but because of the perseverance and sacrifice of its Swayamsewaks. Our conclave is no chauvinism. Our aim is to build a Bharat in which every Bhartiya feels elated.

Till first century, we were world leaders in economic, social and moral sphere. Then denigration continued till 9th century. However our values and culture survived all onslaughts. We never enslaved and looted any civilization. We covered distances from Mexico to Siberia when no advanced means of transportation were available. Wherever we went, we shared our knowledge of science, mathematics, Ayurveda and human values. That is the reason for our omnipresent reverence. Immortal souls such as Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Mahavira and Vivekananda contributed immensely to bring such laurels to our civilization. No place on earth can match the number of great souls who were born on this land. Great scientist Albert Einstein once said that future generations won’t believe that a soul named Mahatma Gandhi ever ventured on this earth. From time to time great souls have extended their efforts towards the eternal flow of our values and culture. Bharat is just not a name for us but an epitome of maternal affection, thereby extending this land the stature of our mother which is a conglomerate of its inhabitants, air, Water and land. It is every Swayamsewak’s responsibility to preserve the respect which Sangh now earned through one’s individual, social, and workplace behaviour. Unity in diversity is our eternal culture which exists till date. While performing one’s family and individual obligation, one also need to give time for society. It should be our continuous endeavour to take Sangh’s work to every nook and corner of our country. Nitya Shakha provides the platform for this noble objective.
No voluntary organization in the world ever faced the hurdles as faced by Sangh. Yet respect for Sangh and Sangh Swayamsewaks has only grown over a period of time. Sangh never adopted a negative attitude towards anybody. Even with those who spread rumors and false propaganda about Sangh, Sangh always maintained a conciliatory tone. Sangh believes in taking everybody along. For a Swayamsewak, Social obligations are at par with Individual and family obligations.
Our destiny will be determined by our own efforts and not by any government or political party. Till every individual transforms its mind set, Bharat will not achieve her designated position.
Along with Param Pujyaniya SarSanghChalakJi, Kshetra SarSanghChalak Shri. Virendra ParakramaDityaJi and Vibhag SanghChalak Shri. Dr. JaiPrakash LalJi were present on the dais.
Around 10,000 Swayamsewaks in full attire attended the event. SarSanghChalak Pranam, Yoga, Vyayam and Samata were the activities performed by Swayamsewaks. Around 2 lakh people experienced the live performance of this program on Facebook.
Tue Feb 20 , 2018
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