The SC should not have done  what it did!


The proceedings/actions in the Supreme Court and the Delhi Assembly, on December 17, 2010, questioning the  right of the constitutionally enacted laws of the Union Govt are quite disturbing. One year back their similar action/inaction against  the anti-CAA have put the Delhi public into a lot of misery.  The present – so  called –  farmer agitation also is part of a  bigger conspiracy,  like last year CAA, to disturb the Republic Day celebrations on 26/01/2021, wherein the UK  Prime Minister is the Chief guest. The Honourable SC  should  not unwittingly aid the evil design of anti-national  forces.

The Delhi Govt resolution though  not binding, will go against the federal spirit.  The Delhi Chief Minister, a self claimed anarchist, exploiting the immunity, had resorted to tearing of the  copies of the three Farm Laws is highly condemnable. He has done so, soon  after the Delhi Govt had notified the Union Farm Bills in its official Gazette.

The suggestion of the SC to the Union Govt to “hold” the implementation of the Farm Bills is unfortunate and amounts to infringing the authority of the constitutionally constituted Govt. Majority of the farmers all over the country accepted that the new reforms  are beneficial. Only vested interests in Punjab, with the active support of the state Govt., oppose the bills. They blocked the movement of passenger and goods trains in the state for over two months , only lifted when it hurt them holding movement of food grains procured. Now they have shifted to the National Capital Region  choking supplies to the two crore population.  Further, this blockade also affected the  interstate movement of goods.  It is unfortunate the SC has only upheld the right of the fringe group to express their descent. This group, like the last year’s anti-CAA cabal, wants nothing less than the “repeal” of the constitutionally passed laws that benefit millions. The SC also failed to note the Punjab state govt, whose farmers  protest now, in fact, enacted , in a special session, new farm laws to benefit the state farmers. It has also failed to recognize that the Centre’s repeated oral and written offer to amend the laws was rejected by the  agitating farmers. Every party that opposes the reforms had clamoured, time and again, for such reforms. Some parties  had included these reform in their election manifestoes.

No govt in independent India, implemented/passed bills, for the benefit of farmers and rural population like the present govt. Fertiliser and other farm input supply at no extra cost and made available on time. Direct cash transfer has eliminated pilferage and middlemen. Cash assistance to small farmers, kisan credit cards, insurance at no/minimal premium to  crops from the time of sowing to harvest, including farm implements, pension to small/marginal farmers at heavily subsidized premium are provided. Apart from this, better rural infrastructure, power, health services, housing, etc., were also implemented in the last six years.

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Condolence Message of RSS Sarsanghachalak and Sarkaryavah on the demise of M G Vaidya

Sun Dec 20 , 2020
VSK TN      Tweet     We , all of us Sangh activists feel as if our own shadow has left with the untimely demise of Shri.   Madhav Govind Upakhya Baburaoji Vaidya. He was an erudite scholar of Sanskrit, able journalist, excellent litterateur , active member of the Legislative Council and thus a versatile […]