The seamless rhythm of nature unwinding over millennia is suddenly being disturbed during the last few decades. The Akhil Bharaiya Karyakari Mandal expresses its deep concern over the serious global environmental crisis as evident from increasing water scarcity, air pollution, continuous erosion of forests and bio-diversity which is the outcome […]


Flood Relief and Rehabilitation Activities undertaken by “RSS and Seva Bharathi” Paschim Andhra Pradesh RSS being the largest non governmental organization in India, With its dedicated nationalist volunteers located each and every corner of affected areas, responded swiftly to help the needy before anybody including government could reach these areas. […]


Surya Namaskar Surya Namaskar is a combination of few Yogasana postures. This is a well balanced set of movements that will stretch all the muscles in the body and keep the body and mind healthy. There are 13 mantras which are different names of Sun God. We should chant a […]


Several thousand swayamsewak’s from all over Tamilnadu participated and were inspired by Shri. Mohan Bhagawat Ji’s boudhik. It also inspired the thousands who came to understand and know more about RSS. As Mohan Ji said, everyone should come closer and be a part of the RSS to understand it better.