Meet Selvaraj, who works at a tea shop near Coimbatore. Nivetha (18) and Ramanathan (15) are his children. These two children were one among the 17 hapless men and women, all labourers, who were crushed to death after a compound wall fell on a row of houses at Kannappan Nagar, Nadur Village, Mettupalayam, Coimbatore. In the hour of irreparable loss, Selvaraj decided to donate the eyes of his children.This real humanitarian step amidst immense grief speaks volumes of the Dharmic ethos of our land that extolls punya karya for the benefit of the society.”Torrential rains caused the 23 – foot high granite compound wall to collapse and fall on the houses along the wall”, says the District Collector. BJP leader Vanathi Srinivasan slammed a few activistswho tried to distort the issue by describing it as ‘untouchability wall’. The fact remains that all who lost their lives belong to SC community and the owner of the house inside the compound wall is a Baduga, an ST tribe. Thus the mischief mongers were cornered promptly and unnecessary bickering was avoided.

A 12 year boy studying in the 7th standard at Government aided TDTA Good Shepherd High School, at Idaiyerkadu in Thuthukudi district is being treated for acid burn injuries that he received at shool. The boy, Pramod Bala, was asked to clean the toilet using acid by his class teacher. At the outset Hindu outfits reasoned out that the boy wore Tulsi Mala as part of his vow to make a pilgrimage to Sabarimala and that seemed to have irritated the school authorities resulting in the boy cleaning school toilet. It is said that while cleaning, the acid spilled on his left hand causing deep burn injuries. Parents and relatives of the boy filed a complaint against the teacher. A daily paper reported that the Headmaster had asked Pramod Bala and 4 other boys to clean the Chemical Laboratory termites having been found there, citing the reason that an inspection of the school was to take place. When the boys carried acid bottles, as they were cleaning the lab, one boy accidentally stumbled and fell on Pramod Bala causing burn injuries on his left hand and toes. The report also says that other boys were also injured in the fall. The teacher has been arrested but the headmaster is at large. The media completely blacked out the possible ground reality and went to town with their confusing report ‘not toilet but lab’ and ‘not one boy but 2 /4 boys’, etc. The bigots running the school had the last laugh.