These kids do not come from “posh” schools

ISRO will launch a student-built satellite called Kalamsat this year. Kalamsat is the world’s lightest and smallest satellite built by a student start-up from Chennai and is named after the former President. In another event, SOuth India Sciences Fair-2019,S Parthiban and VM Akashvaran, students of Government Higher Secondary School in Tiruttani village of Tamil Nadu, presented their invention of E-slippers. Determined to address the shortage of streetlights in their Village, They designed E-slippers, which come with lights and can even be used to charge mobile phones while walking.The same event saw E-helmet dsigned by Pranathi of Class 10, from Govt aided school in Pondicherry. The e-helmet has alcohol sensor synced with a vehicle so that it starts only when the rider wears the helmet and is not drunk. Indeed, there is no dearth for young innovative minds in our countr, one is tempted to wax eloquent. But alas, with so many young minds at work from not so “posh” schools, it is indeed an enigma that no student from TN has scored the 100 percentile limit in the prestigious IIT JEE Exam this year too.
Layola : Missionary Mischief Mauled

Chennai’s Loyola college proved a point. It showed how youngsters are misguided and brainwashed to depict Hindu gods and leaders in an unacceptable way by evangelist intolerance. The paintings displayed in last week’s so called weekend painting festival at the premises showed the increasing intolerance inculcated amidst the captive young students. Hindu organisations hit back by calling on authorities to derecognise the college. The unsigned sham apology that followed only betrayed the arrogance of the perpetrators. The missionary institution now faces wrath of internet Hindus, some of whom have given the same taste back to the evangelists by posting unacceptable caricatures. The original sin was so abominable. That explains why Dr. Ramdas of PMK has joined the protests against Loyola mischief. Earlier Hindu Munnani demanded criminal action on the missionary run college management in a memorandum submitted to the DGP. The BJP, for its part, had threatened to lay siege to the college in protest against the vulgarity wantonly displayed inside the educational institution. Incidentally, the police confiscated the objectionable paintings proving thereby that Loyola entertained an unlawful exhibition.
“Wanted: Internet by Indians For Indians”-Rangaraj Pande

At a public meeting held in Madurai on the 2nd day of the all India conference of Swadeshi Jagran Manch, eminent journalist Rangaraj Pandey put forward a constructive suggestion. He pointed to the risks of we Indians using internet created by Westerners. Making an appeal to the Indian IT talent to come out with an internet “by Indians for Indians”. This is an urgent need because we rely heavily on internet for all our communications. Such an indigenous product will fulfil one of the urgent needs but also ensure our digital security, Pande added. It will meet our Swadeshi pride as well, he said. It was Mahatma Gandhi who started Swadeshi movement. A Swadeshi fervour was crucial for the freedom movement, and so V.O.Chidambaram Pillai gave us the Swadeshi ship. But, out of ignorance people ask, what is the need for Swadeshi today. The reason is that unknowingly we and our children toe the Westerner’s line in matters of language, dress, education, food, internet etc… that way we continue to be slaves of other countries. We welcome English from a country thousands of miles away but we oppose Hindi spoken in our neighbourhood! We have to come out of this mindset and for that Swadeshi awareness is necessary today pointed out Pande. Arun Ojha, all India convener of SJM presided over the meeting. State SJM office bearers Sundaram, Adiseshan and others were present.
Sat Jan 26 , 2019
VSK TN Tweet राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के सरसंघचालक डॉ. मोहन भागवत जी ने आज नारायना ग्रुप आफ इन्स्टीट्यूशन्स, पनकी कानपुर में ‘गणतन्त्र दिवस’ के उपलक्ष्य में राष्ट्रीय ध्वज फहराया. कार्यक्रम में उपस्थित विद्यालय के आचार्य एवं छात्रों को सम्बोधित करते हुए उन्होंने कहा कि हमारा राष्ट्रध्वज स्फूर्ति एवं प्रेरणा का प्रतीक […]