Chennai – Sandesh

Chennai Sandesh 

December 14, 2012

Menace of Walmarts? Plachimada shows the way out
‘Ascertain reports of retail giant Walmart planning to rope in retail traders as part of its business plans in Chennai’ DMK Patriarch M Karunanidhi cautions the State Government in Tamilnadu, so runs a news item. Karunanidhi supported the Centre on FDI to keep the ‘communal forces’ away. It is reported that Walmart has acquired 7 acres of land at Vanagaram, Chennai and making an offer to the retail traders that it would supply to them at cheaper rates. While Tamil media in general toes the political line, Kumudham Reporter carried an article on FDI by Sri Nambi Narayanan, State Organiser, Swadeshi Jagran Manch, Tamilnadu. According to him, once FDI is allowed by Centre, the State Government has no specific power to withdraw FDI in their State. The only way to safeguard the retail trade rests in the hands of local Panchayats and local people who can raise their voice against FDI. He quotes the example of Plachimada’s Anti Coca Cola Agitation in Kerala which could thwart Coke’s destruction of ground water in the village. Plachimada, a predominantly Adivasi village in Perumatty Gram Panchayat in Palakkad District, Kerala, had over the last one decade, become synonymous with the fight of the common people against multinational corporate’s over-exploitation of natural resources.
A reason why Government should quit Hindu Temple administration

Thiruchendur in Thoothukudi district of Tamilnadu is a pilgrim centre. The ancient temple devoted to Lord Karthikeya is administered by Tamilnadu Government. Devotees dedicate cows in large number to the deity in this place. Last week, a shocking report surfaced. More than 6000 such dedicated cows were missing from the temple. But the Government tried to account it as though all those cows were sent to private Goshalas for maintenance. But it is alleged that the cows were actually illegally sold to butchers. There was widespread anger of devotees on this and Hindu Munnani voiced their feelings in the form of a Statement by Sri Ramagopalan, the Hindu Munnani leader, who demanded a thorough probe into the matter. 
Ancient Siddha reciepe effective in Dengue, admits Tamilnadu Government
Dengue fever caused by a virus is an infectious tropical disease which develops into the life threatening syndrome. Recently, Tamilnadu State Health Minister V S Vijay celebrated the virtues of a juice made by papaya and neem leaves which has anti-viral properties and immunity modulator and cures the dengue fever. The Government of Tamilnadu issued an order asking the Government hospitals to make the herbal drink available to the patients. All these medicines are imparted through the Siddha System (science of cell-regeneration). Siddha texts are attributed to our ancient Agastya Rishi who enlightened the world with his wealth of knowledge. 
TAILPIECE: Mouth watering herbal south Indian food items like avarampoo idli, avarampoo dosa, mudakathan keerai dosa etc. are the day-to-day menu at the canteen at Chennai Municipal Corporation office. 

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RSS functionary Ram Madhav slams MEA-HM on poor handling of Pakistan Minister’s comments

Sun Dec 16 , 2012
VSK TN      Tweet     RSS functionary Ram Madhav slams MEA-HM on poor handling of Pakistan Minister’s comments New Delhi December 15, 2012: RSS top functionary Ram Madhav has slammed both Ministry of External Affairs and Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shindhe on poor interaction with Pakistan Minister Rahman Mallik, who yesterday made unnecessary comments on […]

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