Chennai – Sandesh

March 30, 2012
Eternal vigil pays rich dividend
Come March End and posters appear. They announce ‘special prayer’ for exam going students. Ok! But such meets are turned into evangelical conventions by proselytizing groups. Swayamsevaks got no response when they enquired the person-in-charge of Pasumpon Muthuramalinga Devar Maidan (named after a staunch devotee of Lord Muruga) – the place where the programme was to be held in Chennai. So they lodged a complaint at the nearest Police Station. The Inspector immediate called in the Organiser of the Programme and committed him to give in writing that no programme on conversion activity will be conducted in that area. Thus, Swayamsevaks brought to an end the intended conversion activity within three hours.
Rama Sethu to become a National Monument ?
Declare ‘Rama Sethu’ as a National Monument demanded Tamilnadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa in her letter to Prime Minister. “In view of the strong objection raised to the earlier alignment cutting across Rama Sethu due to its archaeological, historical and cultural importance, I request you to take necessary action to communicate the views of the Centre to the SC that it would take immediate steps for declaring the site as a national monument without any further delay,” Jayalalithaa said in her letter. She added that the TN government would separately be filing a counter to express its stand in this regard. It may be remembered that recently, Supreme Court has directed the Centre to clarify its stand on Rama Sethu. 
Taking Care of future Tamilnadu citizens
After all, a State Government tries to show that it cares for Hindu children. As another special initiative, the Hon’ble Chief Minister has ordered the conduct of spiritual and moral classes on all Saturdays in important temples to make our children imbibe the high moral and ethical values enshrined in our ancient literature through stories which embody our cultural heritage and traditions. These children will be provided with snacks during such classes and awards will be distributed to the best students. This announcement has come as part of the 2012-2013 Tamilnadu Budget.

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VHP Press Release

Sun Apr 1 , 2012
VSK TN      Tweet      Press Note The UN must apologize to Bharat for engendering Bharat’s safety & security New Delhi, March 31, 2012 The United Nations again has poked its nose in Bharat’s specific internal matters that hurt majority of Bharat. The UN has ‘asked’ Bharat’s Govt to repeal AFSPA (Armed Forces […]