Rama Gopalanji: A shining example of service and sacrifice



“ For Rama Gopalanji, his position in the organisation was not important; welfare of the Hindu Samaj only mattered to him” said Shri Mohan Bhagawat ji , Sarchangachalak of Rasthriya Swayamsevak Sangh in the Shradhanjali Program. The program was conducted on 25th October, at Coimbatore to pay homage to Maananeeya Rama Gopalanji who left his mortal form on 30th September 2020.

“ Rama Gopalanji joined as Pracharak (full time worker) in 1947 when the society was not ready to receive Sanga (RSS). Drawing inspiration from Dr. Hedgewar and Guruji Golwarkar he tirelessly strived in breaking the rock like obstacle. Keeping up the true spirit of a Swayamsevak, whether as a Pranta Pracharak (head of the province) or Saha Pranta Pracharak (deputy), he lived by the principles of service and sacrifice. His only expectation was that our Nation must reach pinnacles of glory in all fields and nobody should set an evil eye on the Hindu Society. While leaving this world, he has won the admiration of the Hindu Society for Hindu Munnani and RSS.

His simplicity and affability were remarkable. Within few minutes of conversation, he will create rapport with anybody, a Baala (young) Swayamsevak or a VIP. I have felt this warmth and love whenever I had the opportunity to meet him. His enthusiasm and national spirit will catch on whomsoever coming in contact with him.

Today, he has created thousands of swayamsevaks to serve the society. To carry forward the work left behind by him is the only way we can pay true Homage to swargeeya Rama Gopalanji. “ said Shri Mohan Bhagawat.

Earlier, Shri Bakthavatsalan, State Organising Secretary, Hindu Munnani spoke about the grand metamorphosis of Gopal ji when he took up the role of Hindu Munnani. His speeches were down to earth and appealing to ordinary men and women like auto drivers and tea sellers. Shri Vannianrajan ji, Kshetra Sangachalak, RSS paid glowing tributes about his uncanny ability in communicating even profound thoughts in simple sentences through his speeches and pamphlets and compact books.

Shri Bhaiyaji Joshi, Sarkaryawah (Secretary) of the RSS was also present on the dais. Shri Dattatreya, Shri Manmohan Vaidya and Shri Mukundan, Saha Sarkaryawahas (Deputy Secretaries) of the RSS, Shri Kadeswara Subramaniam, President of Hindu Munnani, Senior Swamijis of various Mutts including Chinmaya Mission and leading dignitaries from various walks of life were present in the audience on this solemn occasion.

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Seva4Society – Hindu Organizations Extend Helping Hand to Hispanic Community in Southern California

Sat Oct 31 , 2020
VSK TN      Tweet      Southern California chapters of the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh, Sewa International and Ekal Vidyalaya on Oct.13 conducted an event as part of ongoing COVID-19 service activities, donating more than 10,000 pounds of groceries and over 1,500 face masks and gloves to needy families through Hearts and Hands Working Together. […]