Sankat Mochan Ashram, Sector -6, R K Puram,
New Delhi 110 022
New Delhi 110 022
H.E, The High Commissioner
High Commission of the Republic
of Kenya
of Kenya
F-3/12, Vasant Vihar,
New Delhi – 110057
His Excellency,
It was shocking news of the attack on 21st
September 2013 on Nairobi’s Westgate Shopping Mall by Islamic terrorists, where
68 innocent non-Muslim civilians were killed and 175 injured.
Vishva Hindu Parishad very strongly condemns cowardice act of Islamic
terrorists in the name of Jihad. We
appreciate the efforts of Kenyan Security forces for firmly dealing with the
Islamic terrorists.
September 2013 on Nairobi’s Westgate Shopping Mall by Islamic terrorists, where
68 innocent non-Muslim civilians were killed and 175 injured.
Vishva Hindu Parishad very strongly condemns cowardice act of Islamic
terrorists in the name of Jihad. We
appreciate the efforts of Kenyan Security forces for firmly dealing with the
Islamic terrorists.
The threat of Jihad “holy war” against non-Muslims can no
longer be ignored. Today no part of the
world is free from this danger. From
Chechnya to Kosovo, from Kashmir to Assam, from Myanmar to Thailand, from World
Trade Center to Delhi, from Mumbai to
Nairobi, from Cairo to Moscow, from
Kandahar to Jerusalem, from Paris to Timor, from Bali to London from Madrid to Boston…..
Bomb blasts, killings of innocent, rape of women, kidnapping, murder, genocide,
all in the name of a “holy” war called Jihad promoting pan-Islamic terrorism
and imperialism. World faces an
unprecedented crisis due to the activities of Islamic Jihad in the name of holy
war. The civilized world can no longer
ignore the threats of Jihad. Therefore
there is an urgent need before the civilized world to form a grand coalition to
defeat and destroy the pan-Islamic Jihad.
longer be ignored. Today no part of the
world is free from this danger. From
Chechnya to Kosovo, from Kashmir to Assam, from Myanmar to Thailand, from World
Trade Center to Delhi, from Mumbai to
Nairobi, from Cairo to Moscow, from
Kandahar to Jerusalem, from Paris to Timor, from Bali to London from Madrid to Boston…..
Bomb blasts, killings of innocent, rape of women, kidnapping, murder, genocide,
all in the name of a “holy” war called Jihad promoting pan-Islamic terrorism
and imperialism. World faces an
unprecedented crisis due to the activities of Islamic Jihad in the name of holy
war. The civilized world can no longer
ignore the threats of Jihad. Therefore
there is an urgent need before the civilized world to form a grand coalition to
defeat and destroy the pan-Islamic Jihad.
Kindly convey our heartfelt condolences to the families of
those departed souls and also pray to the Almighty God for the speedy recovery
of those injured in the attack.
those departed souls and also pray to the Almighty God for the speedy recovery
of those injured in the attack.
Yours in grief

(Swami Vigyananand)
Joint General Secretary