A Report on ‘VIGIL’ programme in Chennai
Dr. K Subramaniam Ji Retd. Principal of Vivekananda College, Thiruvegadam & Director of National Defence Academy, Pune in his speech ‘Swami Vivekananda – The Patriotic Hindu Monk’, at a huge gathering organized by ‘Vigil’ (a public opinion forum), compared Swami Vivekananda with Arjuna and in turn the situation faced by the Indians, whether it is doubt or confusion or dilemma or arising of ego. Arjuna was fortunate that he had Sri Krishna to guide him and Swami Vivekananda was fortunate to have Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa to guide him.
VIGIL – a Public Opinion Forum had organized a lecture programme on ‘Swami Vivekananda – The Patriotic Hindu Monk’ on 2nd March, 2013. Sri R G Rajan, Organizer welcomed the gathering and noted Singer Smt.Vinaya presented an invocation song.

Swami Vivekananda is combination of Intelligence of Adi Sankara and calmness of Buddha with blessings of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. He dealt in detail on the famous quotes of Swami Ji:
·Each Sole is potentially Divine
·Religion is the manifestation of the Divinity already in man.
·Education is the manifestation of perfection in man.
The words ‘Religion’ and ‘Education’ are interchangeable. Similarly the words ‘Divinity’ and ‘Perfection’ are also interchangeable.
While referring to our Education system, he felt that Swami Ji has shown the direction (i) to identify the hidden talent, (ii) that talent is to be developed and (iii) developed talent to directed for the welfare of the society.
Through religion, one can remove selfishness (Nishkala Tattvam, Nirmala Tattvam). Ideally educated man has no hatred. Mere education leads to materialism, mere religious education leads to fanaticism, but for the harmonious growth we should have spiritual education. Our Bharat is the Jagadguru, which is spiritually connected. To attain divinity, one has to look into three components of Tamasic, Rajasic, and Saatvik nature. First tamasic nature has to be destroyed and rajasic nature has to be converted into satvic nature. That is the need of the hour.
He further added that Patriotism has religion, spirituality, education as an undercurrent. Harmonious advancement of humankind is possible if we follow the food steps of Swami Vivekananda.
A book ‘Bharathame Vizhethezhu’ on Swami Vivekananda, written by Kum.Nivedhita of Vivekananda Kendra was released by Sri Balagopal, Vice President of ‘Vivek & Co’ group of companies and Smt. Thangam Meganathan, Rajalakshmi Group Institutions & Vice President of 150th Year celebrations of Swami Vivekananda and Major (Retd.) Sri Karikalan received the copies.
Sri Su Viswanathan Ji, Organising Secretary, Vidhya Bharathi, North Tamil Nadu also addressed the gathering with an appeal to the audience to take active part in the 150th Jayanthi Celebrations.
Sri K.Suryanarayan Rao, Sr.Prachark, Sri Manmohan Vaidya, Akhila Bharatha Prachar Pramukh, Sri Nandakumar Akhila Bharatha Saha Prachar Pramukh were present in the function.
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