Chennai was ravaged during floods in 2015. Sevabharati Tamilnadu did yeomen service during and after floods.  In one such service, a mobile medical was launched to serve the poor then.  In continuation, the second free mobile medical unit was inaugurated today at Seva Building, Purasaiwalkam.   Shri Duraishankar, President Sevabharati welcomed […]


RSS Perambur Bhag, Chennai organized ‘Hindu Sakthi Sangamam’ wherein 367 swayamsevaks participated in Poorna Ganavesh along with men, women, and children totaling around 730. Swayamsevaks demonstrated Niyuddha, Padavinyas, Yoga and Pyramid formation. Prant Sharirik Pramuk Shri Kumaresan, Prant Vyavastha Pramuk Shri Murali Mohan and other Sangh Adhikaris were present. Shri […]