Speaking on the occasion, he said, “It is essential to protect Go Maatha across the country for economic, spiritual and physical well being. Our Ithihaas cite the importance of cow. One has to be careful in identifying the difference between the Jersey Cow and native breed”.
Stressing the uniqueness of native regional breeds, to name a few, Gir of Gujarat, Sahiwal of Haryana, Red Sindi of Punjab, Rathi of Rajasthan, Ongole of Andhra Pradesh, Kandhari of Maharasthra, Nimari and Malvi of Madhya Pradesh, Amritmahal and Kallihar of Karnataka, Kangeyam, Umblacherry and Baraguru of Tamilnadu and Kasargod, Vechur breeds from Kerala etc. they are natural habitat of the vernacular ecosystem adapted to the respective areas, weather and climate. The native regional breed, for example, the Rajasthani breed can survive extreme cold of (minus) -8 degree upto a sunny day of +49 degree without any man-made support systems.
“Today we are left with only 37 unique native breeds wherein once we had 110 unique breeds. We had about 48 crores of cow population before Independence and today it is only around 6 crore indigenous breed cows. There are also references from Quran and Bible scripture which speak the importance of cow”, he cited.
“Ecologically, Goshalaas has been tested and proven medically to have a great positive energy to supply great volume of oxygen supply and shall help against radiations. He also cited the Bhopal Gas tragedy example, those house on which cow dung applied across floors and walls were the once to have lesser known impact from radiation and the insiders were surviving proofs of it. Moreover, a lamp lit with 10 gms of pure cow ghee shall help us in begetting 98 gms of oxygen and in the vicinity of Tulse, the same combination may help us with 03, which is tantamount to the depleting ozone scheme”.
Protecting the native cow is the pertinent duty of every citizen in this country which safeguards ecological balance, he concluded.
Shri Gopi Ji, Pranth Pramuk, Bharatiya Kisan Sangh and Shri Kalyan Singh Gau Seva Pramuk, Uttar Tamilnadu were present.