‘Vishwakarma Jayanthi’ is celebrated to worship Lord Vishwakarma, divine architect of the universe. ‘Vishwakarma’ is held as the kula Guru of five different communities of artisans like Goldsmiths, Carpenters, blacksmiths, coppersmiths and sculptors. With the emergence of Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) as the No.1 trade union confederation in the country, Vishwakarma Jayanthi (September 17) has been adopted all over the country as the ‘National Labour Day’. Unions affiliated to BMS in Tamilnadu began celebrating ‘Vishwakarma Jayanthi’ the emergence of Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) as the No.1 trade union confederation in the country, Vishwakarma Jayanthi (September 17) has been adopted all over the country as the ‘National Labour Day’. Unions affiliated to BMS in Tamilnadu began celebrating ‘Vishwakarma Jayanthi’ thus reminding all sections of people of the dignity of labour enshrined in our culture.
Sat Sep 17 , 2016
VSK TN Tweet Harshini, a growing Sevika and from Sangh family, secured silver medal in Commonwealth Championship in under 16/Girls category held from 31st July to 6th August at Srilanka. Harshini is the title winner of Tamilnadu State Chess Women Championship held from 11th May to 15th May at Thiruvarur. […]