एक युवा सन्यासी का आध्यात्मिक एजेंडा दरिद्र देवो भवः (भाग-1) नरेन्द्र सहगल स्वामी विवेकानन्द के गुरु श्री रामकृष्ण परमहंस ने अपने सभी शिष्यों की एक लघु सभा में घोषणा की थी – ‘‘नरेन्द्र धर्म की ध्वजा लेकर विश्व में सर्वत्र जाएगा और मानवों को जागृत करते हुए ज्ञान को सर्वत्र […]
Battling a visual handicap, an 84-year-old Vedic scholar in Pune has composed “Bhimayanam” , the first ever biography of the architect of Indian constitution and icon of the underprivileged Dr. B. R. Ambedkar in Sanskrit verse. The exceptional feat of Prabhakar Joshi, who lost his sight completely while still working […]
K. Kamaraj, (15 July 1903 – 2 October 1975) widely acknowledged as the “Kingmaker” in Indian politics during the 1960s. A Chief Minister and a Member of Parliament was well known for his simplicity and integrity. A School drop out in his sixth grade, when entered into mainstream public life […]
Tamilnadu reminds the man of letters, great revolutionary, nationalist, scholar and father of modern Tamil short story Varahaneri Venkatesa Subramanya Iyer popularly known as Va Ve Su Iyer (2 April 1881 – 3 June 1925) today. A linguistic person by himself composed excellent short stories which is of supreme significance. […]
A rally commemorating ‘Shivaji Jayanti’ on February 19 was organized at Mint Street, Sowcarpet, Perambur Bhaag wherein many youngsters participated.
மஹாகவி பாரதி மஹாகவி பாரதி ஒரு சகாப்தம். இதில் இருவேறு கருத்துகள் இல்லை முற்றிலும் உண்மை. பாரதி ஒரு மஹாகவி இதுவும் நூற்றுக்கு நூறு உண்மை தான். ஆனால் மஹாகவி என்றவுடன் கவிதைகள் பல புரிந்தவன் என்ற எண்ணம் மட்டுமே தொன்றுவது இயற்கை. பாரதி ஒரு கவி மட்டும் அல்ல. பற்பல கவிதைகளை எழுதியதோடு அவரது பணி நின்றுவிடவில்லை. பல கட்டுரைகள், கவிதைகள், பல கதைகள், பல கேலிச்சித்திரங்கள், பல செய்தி […]
Commemorating 1000th birth anniversary of Shri Ramanujacharya and the 126th birth anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar a seminar was organized by Tamilnadu Young Thinkers’ Forum in Chennai on June 16, 2017. Ramanujacharya-Ambedkar Awards were presented to unsung heroes who have worked for the upliftment of the oppressed class and have […]
A NATION-MINDED SCRIBE Cho Ramaswami was a conscientious journalist. He had been writing in his THUGLAK on infiltration in Assam implying that all who came from Bangaladesh were infiltrators and so should be dealt as such. But RSS karyakarthas who were well informed on North East asked Cho to pay […]
Condolence message on the demise of eminent journalist Cho Ramaswamy With the demise of Cho Ramaswamy, the nation has lost a fearless public intellectual, a fiery journalist, a dramatist and satirist, moreover a great nationalist who always stood by the national cause. His death is an irreparable loss. With significant […]
To mark Ramanujar 1000th anniversary, celebrations across Tamilnadu is being carried on to take the message of social harmony practiced by Saint Ramanuja. In Thiruvallikeni (Chennai), Ou. Ve K V Devaraja Swamigal, Vilancholai Pillai Thoppu Swamigal blessed the gathering. Hundreds of men and women gathered.