RSS Swayamsevaks today offered floral tributes to Dr. Ambedkar and held discussions and speeches on the subjects relating to Dr. Ambedkar’s contribution to the nation at their shakas. Kanchi Nagar Thirukachi Nambi shaka photo is hereunder. Shri Bakthavasalan Ji, Organizer of Hindu Munnani along with district representatives garlanded the statue […]
Commemorating the National Youth Day, Vivekananda Youth forum organized a programme for college students at Vel’s College Pallavaram. 800 students representing 15-20 from 36 colleges of Chennai, 43 NSS Project officers, 41 College Administrators and Principals attended the programme. A video show on Punya Bhumi Bharatham was shown to the […]
Lala Lajpat Rai, (popularly known as Punjab Kesari) is a renowned nationalist and writer. Born in Punjab, he became a large believer in the idea of Hinduism, is of the opinion that the religion together with emerging nationalist ideals could be the basis of Indian state. He was banished by […]
Siliguri West Bengal Jan 23: Rashtreeya Swayamsevak Sangh celebrated 117th Jayanti of freedom fighter Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose by organizing a traditional Route March (Patha Sanchalan) with Ghosh (Band) in Siliguri today afternoon for an hour, by local unit of RSS. Ma.Sri Kulchatraprasad Agarwal garlanding on Netaji’s statue During […]
Commemorating 150th Birth celebrations of Swami Vivekananda, Dalai Lama unveiled a statue of Swami Vivekananda at Kangeyam, Coimbatore organized by Uniram Trust and Ramana Maharishi Sanmarga Bakthi Sangham last week. ‘Though various civilizations prevail in the world, Bharatiya culture dates back thousands of years. Conflict arise between same religions […]
November 7, 2013: Nation salutes Sir C V Raman on his 125th Birth Anniversary today. Born in Thiruvanaikaval, Trichy of Tamilnadu Sir Chandrasekhar Venkata Raman Raman was the first Indian Scientist to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1930 for his discovery of ‘Scattering Effect of Light’. Dr. […]