Seva Bharati annual 10 days training camp began in Chennai with around 94 trainees. DAV School Principal Smt Geeta lighted the kuthuvilakku and inaugurated the camp. Smt Kalpana is the varg adhikari. Shri Duraishankar, President of Seva Bharati, Uttar Tamilnadu and other seva pramuks were present to guide the trainees. […]
Sadanai Sangamam, a conclave of seva vruthis organized by Seva Bharati in Padmanabhapuram, Kanyakumari District on April 17. Addressing the gathering of 5150 seva karyakarthas (4850 mahilas, 300 purushas) associated with varied service activies, Akhil Bharatiya Seva Pramuk Maa. Shri Suhas Rao Hiremath ji said, “Swayamsevaks serve through Sevabharati and […]
Shri Dattatreya Hosabale, RSS Akhil Bharatiya Sah Sarkaryavah in his valedictory speech said that tsunami like service will bring incomparable hope in the country. In the closing session, while addressing delegates at the confluence of 3050 sewa pratinidhis from 532 districts of the country of 707 NGOs called to focus […]
Full Text of Speech of Azim Premji at Rashtriya Sewa Sangam: Ladies and Gentlemen, Namaste. Everyone present at this meeting is present here because we all share a belief that we must work together for a better India. I understand that most of you here today are already working towards translating […]
परम पूज्य सरसंघचालक का सेवा कार्यों की गति दुगुनी करने का आह्वान नई दिल्ली, 5 अप्रैल (इंविसंके). राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के परम पूज्य सरसंघचालक डॉ. मोहन राव भागवत ने प्रसिद्ध उद्योगपति श्री अज़ीम प्रेम जी के इस कथन से सहमति व्यक्त की कि सेवा का कार्य अति-विशाल है और इसके […]
Three day Rashtriya Sewa Sangamam began at Delhi on April 4, organized by Rashtriya Sewa Bharati. Around 3500 sewa pratinidis from 850 places all over India will be exhibiting their work done in social sector and guidance by eminent personalities and intellectuals are part of the programme. Akhil Bharatiya Sah […]
Around 2.9 lakh people from four districts (Kokrajhar, Sonitpur, Chirang and Udalguri) of Assam have been living in 139 relief camps after the worst attack by NDFB militants. Seva Bharati volunteers are distributing the essential relief items in these camps.
HudHud cyclone in Andhra Pradesh has caused extensive damage due to heavy torrential rains in three Coastal districts of Sriakakulam, Vijayanagaram and Visakhapatinam. The districts were completely devastated with fallen trees, uprooted electrical poles blocking the roads, damaged vehicles, houses and roads. Drinking water, milk, food, communication etc became scarce […]
Dear Brother & Sister, Natural Calamities may strike anybody, anytime in any region. The flood due to continuous raining for past few days in Jammu & Kashmir has caused, 1. 1.Thousands of people are trapped 2. 2. Death toll in Jammu region 105 and Kashmir region 15. 3. 3.Hundreds of […]
Seva Bharati annual training camp concluded with an impressive public function held at Korattur Vivekananda Vidyalaya, Chennai on 26th May 2014. The trainees demonstrated various physical activities like Yoga, Kollattam, bhajans, games, vyayam etc. Smt. Jayalakshmi, Sri Sai Sundar, Sri H S Govinda, and Sri Durai Shankar . Sri Sai […]