Special NIA court convicts Chennai-based engineer in ISIS conspiracy case


A special court of the National Investigating Agency (NIA) on Wednesday sentenced and convicted Tamil Nadu-based engineer Mohamed Naser, for seven years of rigorous imprisonment in an Islamic State (ISIS) conspiracy case. Naser, B.Tech (IT) who is a certified ethical hacker from Chennai, was working as a web developer and graphic designer in Dubai in 2014. He has also been charged with a fine of Rs 40,000.

The NIA in a press release stated that a case was registered on December 9, 2015, under section 125 of Indian Penal Code (IPC) and sections 18, 18B, 38 and 39 of UA (P) Act, 1967 and pertains to criminal conspiracy hatched by the ISIS to establish its base in the country by recruiting Muslim youth for ISIS, through social media platforms.

After completion of the investigation and subsequent trial, NIA special court has convicted accused Mohammed Naser of the various offences committed by him and sentenced him with rigorous imprisonment for seven years and fine Rs.40,000- on 16.12.2020” said in a press release.

NIA had filed charge-sheets against 16 accused including Mohammed. Naser on 03.06.2020. In this case 15 (fifteen) accused persons have already been convicted up to 10 years RI by NIA Special Court on 16.10.2020 for the conspiracy hatched by ISIS handlers based in Syria and subsequent formation of group namely “Junood-ul-Khilafa-fil-Hind” owing its allegiance to ISIS, said in a press release.

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Sat Dec 19 , 2020
VSK TN      Tweet     नागपुर. वरिष्ठ पत्रकार, हिन्दुत्व के भाष्यकार, चिंतक एवं राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ के वरिष्ठ स्वयंसेवक माधव गोविंद वैद्य (बाबू राव वैद्य) जी का आज सायं 3.35 बजे निधन हो गया. वे 97 वर्ष के थे. वे पिछले कुछ दिनों से अस्वस्थ थे, और अस्पताल में उनका उपचार चल रहा […]