RSS not averse to Dalit as Sarsanghachalak: Bhagawat

RSS not averse to Dalit as Sarsanghachalak : Bhagwat

Mumbai, September 5: A Dalit can definitely become Sarsanghachalak and head Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangha. We don’t have any restrictions in that regard, stated Sarsaghachalak Mohanji Bhagwat, here on Tuesday.
Whoever works can become a Sarsanghachalak and hence a Dalit can definitely become Sarsanghachalak. But, he will become a Sarsanghachalak not by the virtue of being a Dalit, but for he fulfills criteria of work, Bhagwat elaborated. He was speaking at ‘Idea Exchange’ organized by ‘Loksatta’ express group’s flagship Marathi newspaper. Bhagwat openly discussed many things right from relevance of RSS to daily routine of Sarsanghachalak and how Sangha defines Hindutwa.
RSS makes people forget petty issues. More we talk against the things, they keep on coming forth. Caste is one such thing, because it is there in the minds. RSS tries to clear minds of such petty things. So people of all communities in India have hope and faith in Sangh, Bhagwat said while elaborating his point. He also stated RSS’s stand on the issue of reservations. Reservations are needed wherever there is social discrimination and it should remain till the discrimination dies away, is what RSS thinks, he said. While accepting the fact that, it can’t be an endless affair and reservations will have to end some day, he opined that a non political committee comprising of experts from various walks of life can be entrusted to decide the time bound course for any action in that direction. He also said that, RSS has always tried to uproot the social discrimination amongst Hindus. Stressing that, reservations are needed for social empowerment, he said, “it’s a pain that, people have used reservation for politics and not for empowerment of people.” He also appealed people to take care that such an issue of social importance should not become a cause of debate and divide.
While addressing questions regarding membership of RSS, he said that over 90 percent of Swayamsevaks are between the age group of 20-25. RSS attracts youth because patriotism and service to humanity are still the two strongest things that youth want to get identified to. Young people employed in the IT field are getting attached to RSS in large numbers. Organized and cultured society is everybody’s need and RSS has always been trying to achieve this goal, he said. He also said that, Today’s generation is socially conscious, they take many things positively.
Swayamsevaks are there in many political parties, not just in BJP. Not only a swayamsevak but anyone can approach RSS for help. All political parties are equal for RSS. We are happy to help any political party who needs help. We have helped even Congress at times, Bhagwat said while addressing a query in that regard.
Bhagwat also set aside allegations made about the organisation’s support to Team Anna during its agitation over the last year. “Anna Hazare has a standing of his own. He is not a swayamsevak. Why should we take credit for his work? We had passed the resolution against corruption and support fight against corruption in any format. It is their efforts and planning,” he said.
With recent terror attacks being attributed to Hindu groups, Bhagwat said that “Hindu and terrorism cannot be termed together”. Hinduism has always promoted the middle path, never extremism. “Allegations have been made against individuals but not yet proven. Role of investigators is also questionable. Let the charges be proven,” he said. RSS uses word Hindu in larger context. No one in India is ‘Ahindu’, we don’t have ‘European Christians’ or ‘Arabic Muslims’ here in India.
Asked about the stand regarding economic reforms, FDI considering their preference for swadeshi products, Bhagwat said the organisation believed in self-reliance and models from across the world should be adopted. We should understand the “Self” of our country and our economic policies should be based on that.
“All countries aim to be independent and self-reliant. We are assembling and not manufacturing goods. Our strengths should define our goals. China and Russia have become super power on their own. It should be such that there is least impact on environment, create employment opportunities here. We should not just be consumers, but producers,” he said.
He opened his mind on many more such issues in the program that lasted for over 3 hours. A detailed account of which is to be published in the Sunday edition of Loksatta on 9th sep.
source: newsbharathi

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