RSS Chief today reiterated Sangh’s readiness to cooperate with officials investigating allegations about its involvement with Hindu right wing groups named in terror attacks in parts of the country.“It has been repeatedly made clear that violence has no place in work of the Sangh. It has never encouraged violence and would not do so in the future as well”, he said addressing a gathering after inaugurating RSS’s new Karyalaya (office building) in Thiruvananthapuram here.The Sangh has expressed readiness to co-operate with officials investigating the allegations against it, he said.
“It is not the mission of the Sangh to intimidate anybody or create a scare. Nor will it allow itself to be intimidated by adversaries”, Bhagwat said.Bhagwat alleged some vested interests and adversaries were trying to defame RSS without any reason. “This is being done with the ulterior motive of spreading misunderstanding about the Sangh”, he said.http://news.outlookindia.com/item.aspx?687950http://www.asianetindia.com/videos/vilification-campaign-sangh-rss-chief-2_174604.html