एक युवा सन्यासी का आध्यात्मिक एजेंडा दरिद्र देवो भवः (भाग-1) नरेन्द्र सहगल स्वामी विवेकानन्द के गुरु श्री रामकृष्ण परमहंस ने अपने सभी शिष्यों की एक लघु सभा में घोषणा की थी – ‘‘नरेन्द्र धर्म की ध्वजा लेकर विश्व में सर्वत्र जाएगा और मानवों को जागृत करते हुए ज्ञान को सर्वत्र […]
Swami Vivekananda
Thousands of people across the society paid Pushpanjali today to Swami Vivekananda on his 153rd Birth anniversary. Every Year, men, women, youth from all walks of life donate blood on the eve of Swami Vivekananda Birth Anniversary. Today being 153rd Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, around 140 people […]
Commemorating the National Youth Day, Vivekananda Youth forum organized a programme for college students at Vel’s College Pallavaram. 800 students representing 15-20 from 36 colleges of Chennai, 43 NSS Project officers, 41 College Administrators and Principals attended the programme. A video show on Punya Bhumi Bharatham was shown to the […]
Commemorating 150th Birth celebrations of Swami Vivekananda, Dalai Lama unveiled a statue of Swami Vivekananda at Kangeyam, Coimbatore organized by Uniram Trust and Ramana Maharishi Sanmarga Bakthi Sangham last week. ‘Though various civilizations prevail in the world, Bharatiya culture dates back thousands of years. Conflict arise between same religions […]
To commemorate the 150th Year Birth Celebration of Swami Vivekananda, Sri Ramakrishna mutt Chennai organized a Rath Yatra touring all districts in Tamilnadu. Deepak Chakravarthy, Retd. DIG and National Convenor of Seema Jagran Manch welcomed Vivekananda Rath at Chennai RSS Karyalaya today along with the co-ordinators and devotees of Chennai […]
RSS Sarsanghachalak Dr.Mohan Bhagawat, Sri P Parameswaran, Dr. Subhash Kashyap, Madhubai Ji, Akhila Bharatiya Prachar Pramuk Dr. Manmohan Vaidya, Akhila Bharatiya Boudhik Pramuk Bhagaiyya Ji, Aniruddha Deshpande Ji and Pramilathai mede, Niveditha Mede and State Presidents, Secretaries participated in the two-day meet at Kanyakumari and held discussions on the celebrations […]
150th Birth year celebrations of Swami Vivekananda was held at Chengalput wherein around 1750 youth participated in the Mass Run. District committee secretary S D Ukkamchand presided over the function along with Industrialist M S Jain. E Lion Mahesh welcomed the gathering and Ko.P.Anbhazagan flagged off the event. Swami Aksharatmaananda […]
150th year celebration committee of Swami Vivekananda Chennai has organized an event “RUN for OUR NATION” calling the young generation between 18 and 40 years to participate on 11 SEP 2013, WED, 4pm Sharp at Vivekanandar Illam, Triplicane. The participants can register on online http://vivekananda150run.com/ Famous Tamil celebrity Actor Rajnikanth […]
150th year celebration committee of Swami Vivekananda Chennai has organized an event “RUN for OUR NATION” calling the young generation between 18 and 40 years to participate on 11 SEP 2013, WED, 4pm Sharp at Vivekanandar Illam, Triplicane. The participants can register on online http://vivekananda150run.com/ Celebrities like Arjun, Sarath Babu, […]
As a part of 150th year celebrations of Swami Vivekananda, door-to-door contact programme was initiated by Sri A Ganesamurthy MDMK Member of Parliament, Erode Constituency on 15th August, 2013. Sri Sivanandan, Secretary of Sengunthar Group of Educational Institutions and other social leaders participated in the programme.