Dr. Ambedkar’s speeches and writings:
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s speeches and writings can be considered as a treasure of thoughts of a person no less than a visionary. He spoke and wrote on a wide range of topics which include Administration and finance of the East India Company, Ancient Indian Commerce, Castes in India, Annihilation of Caste, Untouchability, Communism (Buddha or Karl Marx), Buddha and his Dhamma, Pakistan or the Partition of India, Currency & Exchange, Taxation, Problem of the Rupee, Constitution of British India and many other topics. A study of Ambedkar’s literature would give a whole new dimension to many of the issues which prevail today and are in waiting for a correct and a viable solution. It would also give the right perspective to one’s thoughts and imagination. Below is an effort to provide an outline on the contents of some of his speeches and writings.
1. Annihilation of Caste
The book starts with an interesting trail of correspondence between the dignitaries of the Jat-Pat-Todak Mandal and Dr. Ambedkar who discuss the pros of cons of some of the contents of Dr. Ambedkar’s speech, which he was supposed to deliver as ‘President’ of the conference to be held in 1936. Finally, the speech was not delivered. While concluding this trail, Dr. Ambedkar says: “This correspondence will disclose the reasons which have led to the cancellation by the Mandal of my appointment as President and the reader will be in a position to lay the blame where it ought properly to belong. This is I believe the first time when the appointment of a President is cancelled by the Reception Committee because it does not approve of the views of the President. But whether that is so or not, this is certainly the first time in my life to have been invited to preside over a Conference of Caste Hindus. I am sorry that it has ended in a tragedy. But what can anyone expect from a relationship so tragic as the relationship between the reforming sect of Caste Hindus and the self-respecting sect of Untouchables where the former have no desire to alienate their orthodox fellows and the latter have no alternative but to insist upon reform being carried out?”
The book further has the entire text of the speech that was supposed to be delivered. In this speech Babasaheb deals extensively with the evils of caste system, how these have originated and the need for annihilation of the same. The book ends with the original article on the vindication of the caste system written by Mahatma Gandhi in the ‘Harijan’ and Babasaheb’s reply to the same.
2. Buddha or Karl Marx (Essay)
The introductory paragraph says it all!
“A comparison between Karl Marx and Buddha may be regarded as a joke. There need be no surprise in this. Marx and Buddha are divided by 2381 years. Buddha was born in 563 BC and Karl Marx in 1818 AD Karl Marx is supposed to be the architect of a new ideology-polity a new Economic system. The Buddha on the other hand is believed to be no more than the founder of a religion, which has no relation to politics or economics. The heading of this essay‖Buddha or Karl Marx‖which suggests either a comparison or a contrast between two such personalities divided by such a lengthy span of time and occupied with different fields of thought is sure to sound odd. The Marxists may easily laugh at it and may ridicule the very idea of treating Marx and Buddha on the same level. Marx so modern and Buddha so ancient! The Marxists may say that the Buddha as compared to their master must be just primitive. What comparison can there be between two such persons? What could a Marxist learn from the Buddha? What can Buddha teach a Marxist? None-the-less a comparison between the two is a attractive and instructive Having read both and being interested in the ideology of both a comparison between them just forces itself on me. If the Marxists keep back their prejudices and study the Buddha and understand what he stood f”or I feel sure that they will change their attitude. It is of course too much to expect that having been determined to scoff at the Buddha they will remain to pray. But this much can he said that they will realise that there is something in the Buddha’s teachings which is worth their while to take note of.”
3. Communal deadlock and a way to solve it
(Address delivered at the Session of the All India Scheduled Castes Federation held in Bombay on May 6, 1945 Published: 1945)
These are thoughts of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar on the future Constitution of India. He deals extensively with the proposals for solution of Communal Problem and the principles underlying the same. In the concluding paragraphs Ambedkar says, “These are some of the proposals I have had in mind for the solution of the Communal Problem. They do not commit the All-India Scheduled Castes Federation. They do not even commit me. In putting them forth, I am doing nothing more than exploring a new way. My emphasis is more on the principle, I have enunciated, than on the actual proposals. If the principles are accepted then I am sure the solution of the Communal Question will not be as baffling as it has been in the past.”