Hindu Chaitanya Shibiram a three days camp was organised by R.S.S. (Purva Andhra Pranth) on
the eve of “Completed 75 years of established the RSS in Andhra
Pradesh” at Satavahananagar, on Vijayawada-Guntur highway, close to
toll gate near Kaza village from 18th to 20th January 2013.
The inaugural function was held on 18th January and
those who occupied the dais were Sarkaryavah (All India General Secretary) of
RSS Ma.Sri Bhayyaji Joshi, Sri K.C.Kannan, Sri Madhubai, Sri Bhagayya, Sri
Rammadhav, Sri Ajit and Sri Jagdish Prasad. Among those prominent citizens who
participated in the event were Justice Parvatarao, Sri Somayajulu, Sri
Raghavulu and Sri Mangesh.
on Hindu awakening. Pranth Karyavah Sri N.Ravi in his address highlighted the
fact that united strength of swayamsevaks of 4 generations was visible in the
Paripoornananda Swami |
Swami Paripoonananda, head of SreePeetham, Kakinada
in his address talked about the great ness of Hindu Dharma. He said that Dharma
and Nation should not be seen separately. Closely associated with Dharma are
cow, Ganga, Gita and Guru and those should be protected by Hindus. Today
temples are divided into various groups which is not a healthy trend, he said.
He talked of the need to safeguard the works and preachings of Pujaniya
Doctorji, Pujaniya Guruji and Swami Vivekananda.
Ma.Sri Bhayyaji Joshi in his address said that Hindu does not mean custom,
tradition or method of worship and explained that Pujya Doctorji founded the
R.S.S. in 1925 for the purpose of healthy social living, universal welfare.
Today border areas of Kashmir, Rajasthan, Gujarat, and North-eastern regions
have become hotbeds for destructive forces and naxalism and terrorism have
become a challenge to the nation. In the name of service, certain institutions
are carrying out religious conversions and Sri Bhayyaji Joshi asked us to be
aware and alert to thwart any such attempts. He cautioned that if policies are
framed towards gaining only material pleasures, it does not augur well for the
economic system in the future. He said that there is no safety for women today
and we should not become mute witnesses about their plights. Women today are
coming forward successfully in various sectors, he said. He exhorted the Hindus
to march ahead with right strength and renewed vigour. We should remove the
defects that have crept into our Hindu society over a period of time, he urged.
awakening as welfare of Bharat and welfare of Bharat as universal well-being”.
The 2nd day of the camp was started in the early morning with hoisting of
Bhagawa Dhwaj (Saffron Flag), Sangha Prarthana (prayer) and yoga by thousands
of swayamsevaks. Later, Ekatmata mantra was recited quoting from Hindu, Jain,
and Sikh and Buddhist religions.
Swami Vivekananda on the rock memorial of Kanyakumari, that place became
powerful centre. He reminded that due to strong determination and ardent
efforts by Sri Doctorji, R.S.S. was established. Gandhiji gained fulfilment due
to chanting of Lord Ram’s name. Sri Guruji with the blessings of Akhandananda
of Rama Krishna Math headed and guided the activities of R.S.S. When Dharma was
in danger, Rana Pratap, Shivaji, Doctorji and Guruji came in for its protection
and restoration. The Swamiji said that in the White House of USA, recently a
programme of Sangh was conducted. Lakhs of swayamsevaks keep meeting each other
in USA. In Hyderabad Secretariat for installing Durga Devi, 4000 employees
participated and this is a welcome sign, the Swamiji averred. He said that
today America is being safeguarded by Hindu Gods. He also said that large
number of swayamsevaks participated in Dharma activities organised by him in
New York and California of USA.
Patha Sanchalan (Route March)
A great Patha Sanchalan (Route March) was held on
19th, the 2nd day of Sibir, participated thousands of swayamsevaks who attended
in the 3 day sibir, in two cities Vijayawada and Guntur. The people welcomed in
solid the swayamsevaks by flowers and harati.
Sarvajanika Sabha (Public Meeting)
In Satavahananagar, venue of the camp, thousands of
swayamsevaks hailing from 11 Districts came out from 15 tents and assembled
before BhagavaDhwajam and greeted elders on the stage with Ghosh (Band). On the
eve of public function, reception committee president and Viswa Hindu Parishad
Vice President Sri Gokaraju Gangaraju in his address told that untouchability
is a sin and religious conversions should be stopped.
Tridandi Srimannarayana Chinna Jeeyar
China Jiyar Swami |
Tridandi Srimannarayana Jiyar Swamiji while giving
his discourse told that swayamsevaks took forward a noble cause by combining
strength and vibrancy. He said that Vedas, Itihasas, Puranas and Shashtras
reverberated with Dharma exhortations and the swayamsevaks are trying to
implement and live up to those and some have forgotten. There is a need to
remind about practising Dharma. There is respect even for non-believers. We
literally worship our parents and pay respects to parents of others and a
situation is emerging now to get this example emulated by others. Today, there
is a need for model villages, he told. Due to advent of smart phones, cell
phones and TVs personal meetings are becoming less frequent. Human values are
getting eroded not only in towns but also in villages. Human values are
existing in the swayamsevaks, he lauded. “All of you took initiative in
propagating Dharma family”, he said. He hoped that this camp would be a
starting point for heralding on the concept of model villages. He concluded his
discourse by telling that it is not about dualistic or non-dualistic philosophy
that is in question now.
integrity and devotion is R.S.S. Today, even culture has been globalised.
Cultural attacks began with Britishers. Westerns are distorting our scriptural
sayings. He quoted Telegraph newspaper of England wherein it is stated that to
bring awakening amongst intellectuals, we get lot of material from the
preachings of Swami Vivekananda. There is lot of positive strength in Bhagavat
Gita and Upanishads and they are above religion. No Hindu can ever be a
fundamentalist. Our nation never attacked another country. In Bangladesh, the
population of Hindus has considerably reduced. Recently Central Minister Sri
A.K.Anthony said that minorities are safe in our country. He asked swayamsevaks
to read Bharatam and Ramayan. They should attain soft power.
Pujaniya Sarsanghachalak of RSS Ma.Sri Mohanji
Bhagavat, Sarkaryavah Ma.Sri Bhayyaji Joshi, Dakshin Madhya Kshetra Sanghachalak
Sri T.V.Deshmuksh, Purva Andhra Pranth Sanghachalak Ma.Sri M.Sundara Murty were
participated n this meeting.
Pujaniya Sarsanghachalak Ma.Sri Mohanji Bhagavat in
his address talked about environmental issues and the turbulent times the world
is faced with like destruction of families and asked to rekindle the ancient
value system prevalent in India and to spread this message to the world. If one
observes the way Pakistan is behaving with India for the last few days, one can
say it is not a friendly but enemy country. China is equally dangerous. Due to
the weak border areas, drug trafficking, weapons and fake currency exchange go
unchecked. The policies being adopted in our country are not helpful to the
well-being of the nation. Price rise, foreign direct investments in retail
sector, caste and regional differences are creating disappointment and despair
among the people.
Many great persons have called for spread of
patriotic thoughts among the people. Even radical humanism champion M.N.Roy
emphasised the need for national, patriotic thoughts. Today in the country
languages are different and teaching procedures are different. But by
protecting the diversity, we should follow Hindutva thought and value system.
There is a need to rekindle Hindutva thought process. for welfare
of the world. It does not terrorise any body. It should not be clubbed with
terrorism. The Sangh has taken up 130,000 service activities with love. It works
for building up of integrated Hindu society. Dr.AbdulKalam realised the need
for building up of strength in the society. Strength does not mean acquisition
of weapons. There should be welfare of the society, safety of the country and
well-being of the world. Through awakened and vibrant society, qualitative
richness should prevail.
He exhorted the members to participate in the 1
hour shakha activity daily and this will pave the way for becoming a person of
fulfillment. Rashtra Sevika Samithi is working for the cause of women. There is
a need for rejuvenation of power of right citizens. Sri Bhagavat called upon
all the members to become partners in this noble mission.
In starting the function the swayamsevaks who
participated in the 3 day sibir, demonstrated the physical exercises, those are
Vyayam Yog (Drill with stick), Pataak Vyayaam (Drill with small flags), Yoga,
Surya Namaskar and Ghosh. The thousands of visitors watched and enjoyed the
- The sibir organized in total 125 Ekads of land
- Total 17,300 swayamsevaks participated in 3
days sibiram - 150 feet length stage arranged for public
meeting - 1,000 buses worked for sibir
- 2000 swayamsevaks worked as prabandhaks
- The Bhagawa Dhwaj arranged at 67 feet hight
from the earth - RTC buses, and Trains also halted at the sibir
place for carrying swayamsevaks and visitors - Above 1 lakh visitors visited the exhibition
arranged in the sibir - Swayamsevaks has been participated in the
public meeting by the age between 3 to 85 - Above 30 thousand people attended the public
meeting held on last day. - Participated all level karyakartas from Sakha
to Akhila Bharta.