RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat inaugurates 4th National Conference of Sahakar Bharati in Bangalore
2013: RSS Sarasanghachalak Mohan Bhagwat inaugurated 4th National
Conference of Sahakar Bharati in Bangalore, today evening.

India’s premier social organizations in cooperative sector, was
inaugurated in Bangalore by Shri Mohan Ji Bhagwat, Sarasanghachalak of
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. Over 800 Mahila delegates are also
attending the Conference. More than 1000 delegates from various
Co-operatives of Karnataka are participating in the conference.
Laxmanrao Inamdar who is the pioneer of the Sahakar Bharati movement.
The theme of the conference was “Bina Sahakaar, Nahi Uddhar’ and
‘Co-operatives for National Renaissance’
inaugural session. He said that this was the first National conference
of Sahakar Bharati in Southern India. He opined that co-operatives
should get operational freedom and level-playing field and they should
work towards improving their economies. He said that they are also
focusing on production on milk and reducing costs and make it
affordable. He said affordable housing was the need of the hour. Housing
sector financing is insufficient and ineffective. Financial inclusion
not a reality yet for millions of Indians he said. He said that only
1700 urban banks are present, which is insufficient for our country. RBI
has to alter its policy for creating new banks. He said we need to
focus on depository insurance for Co-ops. Number of SHGs,
joint-liability groups has to be increased in the country. He said, for
financial inclusion of the populace, co-operative movement is the best.
He stressed on the need for a center for co-operative research. He
stated that everyone should oppose the Direct Tax Code (DTC) vehemently.
Local skills and local economy will be obliterated if DTC comes into
force he said.
Kannada was launched by all the dignitaries. A booklet Swami Vivekananda
named “Sahkarita Yukt Swawlamban Ke Pranayta” was also launched on the
occasion. Documentary CD and booklet on Karnataka Souhadhra co-operative
federation, a unique organization in the country, was launched.
co-operative award was conferred on Shri. Deepak Kumar Barthakur –
founder of Samay urban co-operative bank in Assam. Swargiya Lakshmanrao
Inamdar was from Maharashtra and a lawyer by profession. A Swayamsevak
from childhood was the pioneer of the co-operative movement. He gave the
vision of a value-based and a ethical co-operative movement in the
various achievements of the Samay co-operative bank. He said that the
co-operative bank has 70 – 80 crore deposits and almost zero NPA’s.
over the country, from over 1000 Co-operative institutions, during the
inauguration.Chief Minister of Karnataka Shri Jagadish Shettar also
graced the occasion.Below is an extract of his speech.
witnessing the activities here. We here are the karyakatras of Sahakar
Bharati. We need to see what ‘Bharati’ is in this. Co-operative
movements stated in the west by the likes of Robert Owen. But
co-operation is not something to be taught to a man. Co-operation comes
naturally to man. From the times of hunting together, to farming, man
has co-operated with each other. Man is the strongest animal but also
susceptible due to his selfishness. In the name of economy co-operation
among humans falls apart. There is a certainkind of fear that keeps us
co-operating with each other. It is the fear of the country falling
apart if we do not co-operate with each other. People co-operate with
others when in trouble. People also co-operate for selfish reasons so
that their job is done. So what is the inspiration for SahakarBharati.
In the Mahabaharata, every Pandavas and Draupadi too had selfish reasons
in their life due to which they could not attain Swarg. Only Yudhistir
was able to attain Swarg that too only after a scrutiny. Yudhistir
attained Swarg only after he convinced that his life and work was for
establishment of Dharma. There is no guarantee that there will be no
troubles when we work in co-operative societies.
So we will not
be able to work in Sahakar Bharati or for co-operative movement if we do
not understand the purpose of the movement. We all need to think about
it. Though co-operation is a word & concept that emerged in the
west, our word is ‘Sahayog’ and ‘Sahakar’. Our understanding is that
everyone who does good to all others will attain moksh and that is our
Dharm and we should strive to make this a part of our life. This should
inspire us to work for the welfare of all. After 1857 war, there was a
debate on the contribution of the British. Everyone agreed that British
brought many things into India. But Akbar Ilahabadi said that British
brought postal system, railways, and industries but made Indians into
workers who work for them for their entire life and finally take pension
and retire. But our work should be for the establishment of Dharma as
said in the Bhagavad Gita.
is a citizen of this nation. A Dalit, a Brahmin, and everyone else
belong to this one nation. This should be our inspiration and this
should also drive the co-operative movement. We work with sincerity and
hard labor whether our work and name is commended or not. The ultimate
aim of all our work is that we all attain the absolute freedom. It is
only a human who can strive towards such kind of freedom. But this
cannot be taken as a individuals freedom to do anything. It is the
collective freedom that all humans have to achieve by being
self-sufficient. This is possible only by co-operation. This is not an
opportunistic alliance but a tool to achieve self-sufficiency and
freedom for all. This is why we say ‘sanghachadvam, sanghvadadvam’,
which conveys co-operation amongst all of us in this nation. Our work
has to be with tan, mana and dhan.
public, defying the order of his guru. But guru forgives him as he
thought of sharing his knowledge for the welfare of all others and not
just his. Similarly Swami Vivekananda took the teachings and knowledge
of his guru to the world. It also needs to be kept in mind that our
Bhakti, Shakti and Dhan too is directed for the right purposes, else it
will not aid the society. The knowledge we have gained through the
co-operative movement has to be utilized for the welfare of mankind
itself. We should see that the last man in our society too is free and
self-sufficient without being dependent on others. This is the aim of
the co-operatives movement too. The society becomes stronger by this
co-operative movement. Our Bharateeya society is one such unregistered
co-operative movement that is based only on ethics. Deepak Barthakurji
has shown that selfless co-operative movement can work in the most
adverse of conditions. Just becoming an influential co-operative
movement cannot be the aim of Sahakar Bharati but reaching out to each
and every member of the society through personal contact should also be
its aim.
The workers in
the co-operatives should not have any personal ambitions other than
working for the welfare of the society. Each co-operative should abide
by law and also maintain blemish-less accounts. To make it a much
stronger movement, each co-op should lead by example.Each worker of
Sahakar Bharati has to vow that they will work towards involving each
and every person on the society, even if the individuals work is
recognized or not.
karyakartas of Sahakar Bharati. Please approve those words that you
feel worthy and neglect those you find unworthy. But see to it that the
selfless work of the co-operative movement continues unabated till the
goal is reached.” said Bhagwat.

non-co-operation movement was started by MKG before independence, the
Cong governments continued ‘non co-operation’ with the people after
independence too. He said PM claims to be an economist, the FM
claims to be economist but the way they are trying to promote DTC, it
looks like they are not economists. He said 30 lakh people of the
country are dependent on 6 lakh co-operatives. But the govt. is bent
upon including them in DTC and income tax ambit. Beyond this, they also
want to bring in FDI in retail that will endanger the rural economies.
He stated that we need to vow to protect this co-op movement and a
‘andolan’ has to start from this conference. He also cautioned that we
should not politicize the co-operative movement but let it remain a
nationalistic movement.
said that Gandhi too gave lot of importance to the co-operative
movement. He said Sahakar Bharati is doing a great job to keep the
movement running successfully and we all need to support it. The
Karnataka govt. has taken lot of measures to aid the farming community
and milk co-operatives in the state. 36,000 co-operatives societies are
operating in the state and 15 lakh people are employed by these co-ops.
The state government has ear-marked Rs.3,600 crore and Rs.25,000 loan
waiver was given to farmers due to drought condition in the state by the
govt. ‘Yashashvi’ yojana has been instituted by the govt. to aid the
workers of the co-op societies in insurance, health. He stated that the
govt. has decided to institute a ‘revolving fund’ for the co-ops in the