ABPS calls upon to protect and promote Bharatiya languages, passes resolution

Bharatiya Praitinidhi Sabha is of the view that language is an
important constituent of identity and active vehicle of the culture of
any individual and society. The languages and dialects, prevalent in the
country are most essential to protect our culture, noble traditions,
excellent knowledge and vast literature as well as to promote creative
thinking. The oral tradition of knowledge in the form of songs, idioms
and folklores etc in various languages is many times more than the
written literature.
declining trend in the practice and usage of Bharatiya languages,
elimination of their words and replacement by words of foreign languages
are emerging as a serious challenge. Today, many languages and dialects
have become extinct and several other are endangered. ABPS is of the
opinion that the governments, other policymakers and the society,
including the voluntary organizations should endeavour to undertake all
kinds of efforts to protect and promote various languages and dialects
of the country. In this regard, following efforts are worth
1. Primary
education across the country should only be in mother tongue or any
other Bharatiya language. For this, parents should also make up their
mind and the governments should formulate suitable policies and frame
necessary provisions in this regard.
2. Teaching,
study material and option of appearing in the examinations in higher
education in all faculties including the technical and medical should be
available in Bharatiya languages too.
3. It
is a welcome initiative that the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test
(NEET) and examinations being conducted by the Union Public Service
Commission have now been started in Bharatiya languages. Along with
this, the same option should be available for all other entrance tests
and competitive examinations still not being conducted in Bharatiya
4. Preference
should be given to Bharatiya languages in all governmental and judicial
works. In addition to this, Bharatiya languages should be encouraged in
Governmental and non governmental appointments, promotions and all
kinds of functions instead of giving preference to English.
5. The
entire society including the swayamsevaks should give preference to the
mother tongue in conversations and day to day interactions in the
family. The tradition of collecting and reading literature in these
languages needs to be cultivated. At the same time, their plays, music
and folk arts should also be promoted.
6. Traditionally,
languages have been means to integrate the society in Bharat. So, while
having pride of one’s mother tongue all should show a sense of respect
for all other languages.
7. Central
and State governments should take effective steps to protect and
promote all the languages, dialects and scripts of Bharat.

is in favour of learning various languages of the world to acquire
diverse knowledge. But, in a multilingual country like Bharat ABPS
considers it most necessary to protect and promote all the languages of
Bharat as the carrier of our culture. ABPS calls upon the society
including the governments, voluntary organizations, media, religious
organizations, educational institutions and intelligentia to make every
possible effort to promote the use of Bharatiya languages and ascertain
purity of their grammar, usage of words and the scripts.

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