Multi-Faceted Single Minded Nationalist


The celebrated Tamil Poet Subramania Bharati wrote about yet another great son of Bharata Mata as, “It was our Jagadeesa Chandra Bose  who proved to the world that the nadi mandal (nervous system) of the plant kingdom carries out emotional activities just like the nadi mandal of human beings. In metallurgy also, he made several new experiments. This eminent scholar in the field of wireless communication too had  introduced the telephonic instrument to the scientists, much before Marconi “ in an article of 1918 in a nationalist daily named Swadeshamitran. In the same daily, Bharati translated and published several of articles of Bose in Tamil demystifying scientific concepts understandable to lay readers.


Modern Day Rishi

Yes, J C Bose (30 November 1858 – 23 November 1937) was indeed a Multi-faceted personality. My conviction is he may be called a modern day rishi. You may wonder as to why do I venture to say so. Anyone who has read our ancient history will find that our Rishis and Sidhars were not only propagators of religion but also great philosophers, psychologists, physicians, astronomers, mathematicians, artists, grammarians and scientists . It would suffice to read Patanjali, Charaka, Susruta, Ganata and Nagarjuna. We must also remember that they spent their life time in researches not for personal aggrandisement but out of abundant love towards humanity. Also they never sold their self-respect for tinsels.


Seek knowledge and not profits

You will naturally seek proofs for my claims. I will quote just two well known facts from Jagadish Chandra Bose’s life. His findings in communication were path breaking one but he did not wish to make it a commercial venture and earn profit. He was reluctant in  patenting and even when he did apply upon well-wishers’ advice did not pursue it. In fact, he was thus a fore runner to the concepts like Networking (Internet was initially enunciated as coming together of great minds to share knowledge among scientists and professionals) and it’s latest avatar Open Source. You may find a resonance of the same thought in Bharati’s widely quoted (recently by PM too) “ kaasi nagarap pulavar pechum uraithaan kaanchiyile ketpatharkkor karuvi cheyvom .“


Non Negotiable

He joined as Professor in the Presidency College, Calcutta. In spite of his Cambridge higher studies qualification and appreciation by his principal, he was appointed as temporary professor only. Therefore, he was paid a salary only one third of his European colleagues. Bose refused to take the salary as a protest. However, his interest never flagged in teaching and he was regarded highly by the students and the colleagues alike. After 3 years, silent and sustained protest college authorities budged and refixed his pay scale with retrospective effect and cleared the arrears.


Pursuits and Achievements

He was a Biologist, Physicist and Botanist at once. He is considered as one of the earliest accomplished bio-physicist.

As said earlier, Acharya Bose had keen interest in botany and he carried out extensive research in several species in general and Mimosa pudica (common name: Touch me not / shame plant) and Desmodium gyrans (Dancing Grass or Telegraph Plant ) plants. His major contribution in the field of biophysics was the demonstration of the electrical nature of the conduction of various stimuli (e.g., wounds, chemical agents) in plants, which were earlier thought to be of a chemical nature. He developed an instrument called Crescograph in his above study.


Similarly, his researches and study papers on Microwave Radio Research were well received and appreciated ones by different fora including Royal Society of London. About his radio wave receivers,  famous science magazine The Englishman, which in January 1896 (commenting on how this new type of wall and fog penetrating “invisible light” could be used in lighthouses) wrote: Should Professor Bose succeed in perfecting and patenting his ‘Coherer’, we may in time see the whole system of coast lighting throughout the navigable world revolutionised by a Bengali scientist working single handed in our Presidency College Laboratory.


Study of Metal Fatigue

Bose made really an out of box attempt which could have been easily dubbed as Quixotic. His intuition made him  to perform a comparative study of the fatigue response of various metals and organic tissue in plants. Bose’s experiments demonstrated a cyclical fatigue response in both stimulated cells and metals, as well as a distinctive cyclical fatigue and recovery response across multiple types of stimuli in both living cells and metals.


Science Fiction

He tried his hand in Science Fiction writing in his mother tongue Bengali. (in fact, his was the first of this genre in Bengali). His  first  published  work was a short story titled Niruddesher Kahani (The Story of the Missing One). Later he expanded the theme and it was added to a collection named Abyakta.


Spiritualist and Nationalist

Above lines would have amply demonstrated that he was adept in multiple disciplines and he could traverse comfortably across the disciplines. How could have an integrated approach and achieve a synthesis? I feel his pious attitude, devotion and spiritual orientation could have enabled him to view things in proper perspective and perceive the oneness among apparent contradictions. We can get a glimpse of his mind by reading the first few lines of his speech made on the inauguration his Bose Institute: I dedicate today this Institute—not merely a Laboratory but a Temple. The power of physical methods applies to the establishment of that truth which can be realised directly through our senses, or through the vast expansion of the perceptive range by means of artificially created organs…… It is not for man to complain of circumstances, but bravely to accept, to confront and to dominate them; and we belong to that race which has accomplished great things with simple means.” Simple words yet profound thoughts, aren’t they?

He used to attend the Bhajans- lectures of Bhagwan Sri Ramakrishna and had great reverence to the sage which in turn brought him in close contact with Swami Vivekananda. Swamiji made it a point to visit Paris to meet Bose from England where he was then travelling for the second time.  He spoke subsequently highly about Jagadish Bose and Amanda Bose, wife and partner in Bose’s worldly pursuits. Later Sister Nivedita also supported Bose’s by using her contacts in mobilising funds for researches.

Acharya Jagadish Bose’s keen desire to make this country regain its ancient glory in the field of science and technology as amply demonstrated in his speeches, writings and above all in his life inspired many youngsters to follow his foot steps. Aren’t  those baby steps taken then making giant strides in global arena a century later today?


Jambunaathan M.R.

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வீரத்தியாகி குதிராம் போஸ்.

Sat Dec 3 , 2022
VSK TN      Tweet    டிசம்பா்-3 இந்த புனித ஆத்மாவின் 133 ஆம் ஆண்டு பிறந்தநாள். எத்தனை ஆண்டுகள் வாழ்கிறோம் என்பதைவிட எப்படி வாழ்கிறோம் என்பதே முக்கியம். 81 ஆண்டுகள் வாழ்ந்த எவ்வளவோ பேரைக் காலம் மறந்துவிட்டது. ஆனால் 18 ஆண்டுகள் மட்டுமே வாழ்ந்த ஒரு சுதந்திரப் போராட்ட வீரரை நினைவில் வைத்துள்ளது. குதிராம் போஸ் வங்காளப் புரட்சியாளர். நம் பாரத விடுதலை இயக்கத்தில் மிக இளம் வயதிலேயே புரட்சியில் ஈடுபட்டவர். ஆங்கிலேய ஆட்சிக்கு […]