Many scientific investigations have been carried out throughout the world at different times by different scientists/researchers. Dr.Hedgewar, though he was not scientist or researcher in the strictest term, was indeed a scientist, a social scientist. One can come to this conclusion from the following scientific investigations carried out. Though he was not aware of these investigations, he applied it in the national/social context and produced results, proving amply that he was a social scientist.
When a piece of wood of density more than water is placed on water, it sinks and displaces some water. As it sinks, more and more water is displaced. This increases the buoyant force as the buoyant force is equal to the weight of water displaced. The wood will sink until the buoyant force equal its weight. Therefore, the law of flotation states that a floating object displaces its own weight of the fluid in which it floats.
Thomas Troward has said, “The law of floatation was not discovered by contemplating the sinking of things, but by contemplating the floating of things which floated naturally, and then intelligently asking why they did so.” Examine this observation by the great mental-science practitioner of the early 20th century. In the early days of shipbuilding, ships were made of wood, and the reasoning was that wood floats in water and iron sinks. Yet today, ships all over the world are built of iron. As people began studying the law of floatation, it was discovered that anything could float if it’s lighter than the mass of liquid it displaces. So today, we’re able to make iron float by the very same law that makes it sink.
The key word here is ‘contemplating,’ or what you’re placing your thoughts on, as you begin utilizing the enormous potential and power of intention. In order to float an idea into your reality, you must be willing to do somersault into the inconceivable and land on your feet, contemplating what you want instead of what you don’t have. You’ll then start floating your desires instead of sinking them. The law of manifestation is like the law of floatation, and you must contemplate it working for you instead of contemplating it not working.
At a time when many felt that organising Hindus is next to impossible as many had bitter experiences in the past, Dr.Hedgewar contemplated on how Hindus can be organized and not on how difficult to organise the Hindus. As a result, he came out with the unique method of Shakha and within a short period of 15 years of starting of the Sangh, he made its presence felt in all the provinces of the country. He proved that that it is possible to organise Hindus wherever they are.
Dr.Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher has made extensive research on water. Since 1999, Emoto published several volumes of a work entitled Messages from Water. He took water samples from around the world, slowly froze them, then photographed them with a dark field microscope with photographic capability. Generally, clean healthy water creates beautifully formed geometrical crystals, while polluted water is too sick to form any crystals at all.
Dr. Emoto decided to see how thoughts and words affected the formation of untreated distilled water crystals. This was done by typing words onto paper viz., love, appreciation, thank you, hate, anger etc., then taping the paper onto glass bottles. He sat before each glass with the thought and word that was pasted on the glass for some time each day. After some days the water samples were frozen at -25 degrees and was photographed. All water with positive words turned into beautifully formed geometrical crystals while water with negative words turned into polluted shapes.
What Does This All Mean? With regard to the molecular structure of water, our intent (thoughts), words, ideas and music have a profound healing or destructive effect on the water. Since the human is 70% water — Ultimately it means that what we think creates our reality, not just emotionally but physically. Since the planet is also 70% water these experiments have profound implications for the environment also. Dr.Emoto concludes that our thoughts and words definitely impact our personality and our surroundings.
Dr.Hedgewar’s unique technique of Shakha for moulding men was on similar lines. The programmes in the Shakha are so designed that positive vibrations are created which have a bearing on the swayamsevaks irrespective of the background from which the swayamsevaks come. There are many examples throughout the country on how transformation took place in the lives of Swayamsevaks. .
The butterfly effect refers to a concept that small causes can have large effects. Initially, it was used with weather prediction but later the term became a metaphor used in and out of science. In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. The name, coined by Edward Lorenz for the effect which had been known long before, is derived from the metaphorical example of the details of a hurricane (exact time of formation, exact path taken) being influenced by minor perturbations such as the flapping of the wings of a distant butterfly several weeks earlier. Lorenz discovered the effect when he observed that runs of his weather model with initial condition data that was rounded in a seemingly inconsequential manner would fail to reproduce the results of runs with the unrounded initial condition data. A very small change in initial conditions had created a significantly different outcome.
The Shakha is as simple in its structure as it is grand in conception. After more than nine decades since the inception of the Sangh, people continue to express puzzlement as to how such a simple tool as the daily Shakha can produce idealists and patriots of such sterling worth, willing to dedicate all their energies and talents to the cause of the Motherland, willing even to shed their lives if need be to protect the honour of the Motherland. The small changes that happen in the Swayamsevaks have a large bearing on the society at large. This was visualised by Dr.Hedgewar. The Swayamsevaks daily devote one hour (minimum) for the nation by adjusting family/official commitments. As a result whenever natural calamities/disasters/dangers occur, the Swayamsevaks immediately extend their helping hand however grim the situation may be.
The story of the hundredth monkey effect was published in Lyall Watson’s foreword to Lawrence Blair’s Rhythms of Vision in 1975, and spread with the appearance of Watson’s 1979 book Lifetide. The account is that unidentified scientists were conducting a study of macaque monkeys on the Japanese island of Koshima in 1952. These scientists observed that some of these monkeys learned to wash sweet potatoes, and gradually this new behavior spread through the younger generation of monkeys—in the usual fashion, through observation and repetition. Watson then concluded that the researchers observed that once a critical number of monkeys was reached, e.g., the hundredth monkey, this previously learned behavior instantly spread across the water to monkeys on nearby islands.
This story was further popularised by Ken Keyes, Jr. with the publication of his book The Hundredth Monkey. Keyes presented the hundredth monkey effect story as an inspirational parable, applying it to human society and the effecting of positive change.
Dr.Hedgewar must have probably visualized this critical mass and hence he used to stress that the whole Hindu society need not be organized. He used to say that once 3% of the Hindus are organized (critical mass of Dr.Hedgewar) in cities and 1% of the Hindus are organized in villages, the entire Hindu society becomes organized. The Sangh has been working towards this and will reach the critical mass before the Centenary Year of Sangh.
Yes, Dr.Hedgewar is indeed a Social Scientist.